The taste is not great but palatable in water. You can add it to pretty much any smoothie recipe you like. If you want to use it in any hot dishes, make sure to add it at the end. This sighting is made possible by the coloring due to the presence of chlorophyll within phytoplankton’s cells as well as other pigments like phycobiliproteins and xanthophylls. Cellular Regeneration. Your liver in particular will thank you for adding marine phytoplankton to your regular rotation. The pain and fatigue from both these diagnoses I have had to … Phenylalanine in Phytoplankton also boosts mental alertness through the activity of nucleic acids. You have to try this nutritional powerhouse of a salad dressing: Super Green Marine Phytoplankton Dressing. Decreasing nutrient levels in our foods combine with increased levels of toxin Aside from giving the ocean its pretty green color, marine phytoplankton is a vegan-safe, micro-algae that can be compared to other nutritional algae like spirulina and chlorella, but phytoplankton might be even more potent and amazing. Karen Phytoplankton Soap The purpose of the Karen Phytoplankton Soap is to help nourish one’s skin. It can also assist with weight loss because it helps your body to metabolize carbs, fats and sugar. Phytoplanktons are microscopic organisms that form an important part of the plankton ecosystem in the world’s oceans, seas, and freshwater sources and support marine life. You can purchase it at your local health store or online. The majority of them are too tiny to be individually viewed with the naked eye. Marine phytoplankton grow abundantly in the oceans around the world and are the foundation of the ocean’s food chain. Not only that I have lots of energy and I never want to be without the powder. Marine phytoplankton is responsible for producing more than half of the oxygen that sustains life on Earth, making it essential for all human and animal life. improved heart function. (Plus How to Eat for a Healthy Heart), Dangers of Energy Drinks + Healthy Alternatives to Boost Alertness, Omega-3 essential fatty acids (both EPA and DHA). Click the button below to get your free copy. There are many different species, and each species has a specific shape. What does that mean really. And now we’re living the consequences. How? That’s not the only way it can benefit your breathing, though. This Protein Smoothie with Marine Phytoplankton has a nice mix of protein, fat and antioxidants. adding phytoplankton to your diet is the smart way to get started. Many people think that phytoplankton are ocean plants or a seaweed. (3), Furthermore, marine phytoplankton have also been shown to have anti-cancer effects thanks to the antioxidant content, making them potential natural cancer treatment options. The carbon dioxide given off by spacecraft personnel’s breathing would be transformed into organic substances by them, while the oxygen exuded during this process would support human respiration. Phytoplankton offers a powerful clear burst of energy which is pretty much … Your information will not be shared. These acids improve memory. This article is based on scientific evidence, written by experts and fact checked by our trained editorial staff. Our team includes licensed nutritionists and dietitians, certified health education specialists, as well as certified strength and conditioning specialists, personal trainers and corrective exercise specialists. “I am on my second month taking Karen Phytoplankton. (4), Marine phytoplankton can have the same oxygenating and detoxifying effects on the body as it does on the ocean. Protein Smoothie with Marine Phytoplankton, Super Green Marine Phytoplankton Dressing, Algal Oil: A Vegetarian Source of Omega-3s and DHA, Detox Your Liver: Try My 6-Step Liver Cleanse, Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits and Uses (30! Enthusiasts tout marine phytoplankton as the next important superfood. Headache relief. The plankton definition is marine and freshwater organisms that are too small or weak to swim against the current so they exist in a drifting or wandering state. Right off the bat I have to tell you I have been cleared by my doctor for trying this new product. Those taking marine phytoplankton had higher measurements of CD3 in their blood—an indicator of T-lymphocytes, which are immune cells responsible for the elimination of viruses and bacteria from organic tissues—than those that didn’t take phytoplankton. If you’re pregnant, breast-feeding or have an autoimmune disease, it’s best to avoid any algae supplements. are clickable links to medically peer-reviewed studies. Your body absorbs it easily, and can put it straight to work. (2), In a U.S. Food and Drug Administration publication titled “Drugs of the Deep: Treasures of the Sea Yield Some Medical Answers and Hint at Others,” author John Henkel discusses some promising cancer research involving plankton. SOD is the body’s most powerful antioxidant enzyme that plays a critical role in reducing oxidative damage and inflammation, and it’s been shown to be an effective heavy metal detox agent. The information in our articles is NOT intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. The marine phytoplankton in Oceans Alive is grown in a sealed photobioreactor, and this keeps it pure and free of the contamination that plagues our marine ecosystems. better memory. But adding marine phytoplankton to our diets can support the internal organs that flush toxins from our systems. In a U.S. Food and Drug Administration publication titled “Drugs of the … The biggest risk with phytoplankton supplements is toxin presence. This kind of plankton thrive along coastlines and continental shelves, along the equator in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, and in high-latitude areas. Clinical trials do not support any alleged benefits of phytoplankton supplements. An estimated 50 percent to 85 percent of Earth’s oxygen is produced by this type of plankton photosynthesis with the remaining percent produced by land plant photosynthesis. There are a lot of advantages of marine phytoplankton that are well worth bearing in mind: Enhanced red cell production; Energy booster; Assists in a natural body cleanse; Powerful antioxidants Hopefully studies will continue, but so far the evidence points toward its potential to kill cancer, improve heart health, lift the mood, improve overall immunity and more. You’ll feel the benefits of phytoplankton from one dose. One area that products derived from it for dogs have been criticized is that of pricing. In the near future, phytoplankton could likely become a key aspect of space travel as a source for food and for gas exchange. Specifically, participants reported feeling full of life, feeling lots of energy, and feeling calm and peaceful. This Dr. Axe content is medically reviewed or fact checked to ensure factually accurate information. If you’re used to concentrated green supplements, then you probably won’t mind taking it directly under the tongue. (9). I had run 40k, which would be my peak run in that training period. We hope your diet already includes lots of water, fresh fruit and veggies. Improve skin conditions. It may be microscopic, but don’t judge a superfood by its size. I highly suggest purchasing a liquid, non-GMO, raw, unprocessed marine phytoplankton supplement with no fillers. Seaweed is a macro-algae while phytoplankton is a micro-algae and a type of plankton. ), Bay Leaf Benefits for Digestion, Wounds and Diabetics, Are Oats Gluten-Free? This not only helps the body obtain necessary nutrients when liver function is impaired, but can help restore liver health without taxing the body’s detoxification pathways.”. Bonus Gift: You know phytoplankton is good for you, but how do you use it? Phytoplankton can fill in many of the gaps in your nutritional profile and restore optimal health. For your convenience Karen® for good health also comes in an easy to take capsule form! Perhaps one of the most important benefits of marine phytoplankton is its … We need more and better sleep, for sure. Online vendors of phytoplankton supplements describe it as containing every nutrient that human bodies need. aids in improving mental health by keeping at bay diseases such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Parkinson’s disease and dementia. antioxidant support. Our team aims to be not only thorough with its research, but also objective and unbiased. Perhaps one of the most important benefits of Marine Phytoplankton is its unique ability to strengthen cell membranes and induce cell regeneration. residual grounding energy throughout the day. The highlight of the research was a single-celled plankton called dinoflagellates, which has been shown to have cancer-killing potential in National Cancer Institute tests. To make it easier to use you can mix it with water or add it to a seafood or meat-based stock. After billions of years promoting life on Earth, it’s currently available to us in supplement form to possibly improve internal, external and mental health. Like seaweed, phytoplankton are not actually plants. If you’re looking for phytoplankton the next time you go swimming, it’s not likely you’ll see any. It’s also incredibly nutritious.,,,,,,,,—Phytoplankton&id=1839757. Marine phytoplankton can give you optimal performance, improve your brain function, and endurance from more energy provided to your muscles because of higher oxygen intake from the marine phytoplankton.I would take it by putting it under my tongue and holding for half a … Nannochloropsis gaditana is able to multiply explosively, which is why it’s believed it can help humans restore their health so quickly at a cellular level. Marine phytoplankton can do wonders for your heart. I started taking Karen Marine phytoplankton three weeks ago. A pilot study conducted at the University of Utah shows significant improvements in subjects’ depression symptoms after regularly taking this supplement. Karen® Customer Care toll-free at 1-844-807-0245 or through email at ” Even if hypothyroidism isn’t an issue for you, most of us can benefit from the balancing effects on the metabolism. Clinical trials do not support any alleged benefits of phytoplankton supplements. We created a handy checklist to remind you why it’s worth it! After the first week taking Karen® Phytoplankton, I noticed an energy improvement. I clearly noticed more, measurable benefits from taking a serving of this in the morning than I do from taking … Follow us on social media and enter your email address below to receive exclusive discounts, promotions and notifications! The US government estimates that 80% of American adults caffeinate daily. The 75+ nutrients in Karen® Phytoplankton help nourish your body thereby improving your body’s natural detox system, supporting your heart, giving you mental clarity and focus a boost, and so much more. That would normally take a long recovery, but, it only took me one day. Phytoplankton – found in the ocean and considered the world’s original vegetable – is also known as microalgae, packed with omega fatty acids, vitamins A, C, D and K, beta carotene, dietary fibre, antioxidants, calcium, magnesium, selenium, iron and protein. Marine Phytoplankton Offers an Incredible Wealth of Nutrients in a Safe, Bioavailable MannerTwo growing problems are facing our food supply and the environment we live in. Marine Phytoplankton Benefits for Dogs. Adding a marine phytoplankton supplement to your diet may be able to help your mood, making it a strong addition to any depression diet treatment plan. Scientists say it’s more powerful than chlorella, spirulina, acai berries, fish oil, resveratrol…and virtually any other “superfood” you’ve ever heard about. They’re responsible for feeding everything from microscopic zooplankton to blue whales. Taking Karen Phytoplankton has saved me from pain and stress. The SF36 is a patient-reported survey used to determine a patient’s functional health and well-being. According to the writers at Find Home Remedies, marine phytoplankton can help with that. (1) These micro-organisms are responsible for creating planet Earth’s atmosphere and allowing life to flourish so just imagine what they might be able to do for your health! T cells help eliminate viruses and bacteria from the body so if phytoplankton increases T cell levels, then there is a direct positive effect on the immune system. If you’re looking to follow a more alkaline diet, phytoplankton can be a great daily addition. Discover more about the cleanest, most potent phytoplankton supplement on the market! Before I stated taking the powder daily I suffered greatly from herniated discs and was kept to my bed when I had days of pain. Dr. Josh Axe is on a mission to provide you and your family with the highest quality nutrition tips and healthy recipes in the world...Sign up to get VIP access to his eBooks and valuable weekly health tips for FREE! allergy/asthma relief. It can support healthy blood pressure levels and reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease. Note that the numbers in parentheses (1, 2, etc.) I have fibromyalgia and taking Karen has given me more energy better sleep and less pain. Digestive issues. The possible side effects of marine phytoplankton. are clickable links to these studies. Stress reduction. Phytoplankton contains beta-carotene, which helps to protect your corneas, and it has been found to be even more effective than lutein for improving vision. This is why doctors and NDs who have used MP with patients noted drastic improvements in patients with chronic disease within days. Overall wellbeing. Phytoplankton can be absorbed on a cellular level, so the body doesn’t have to rely on the digestive system or liver for processing. But there are a bunch of long-term advantages too. Within the first week I noticed an increased level of energy, mental clarity and overall wellness. We guarantee 100% privacy. Phytoplankton is loaded with goodness, and we all know that the better the quality of the nutrition we put into our bodies, the better the results. If you are focused on getting healthy, if you want to improve your quality of life, adding phytoplankton to your diet is the smart way to get started. Kevin Gianni writes in. According to a Harvard Heart Letter, the “marine fatty acids” known as EPA and DHA have a number of potential heart benefits, including easing inflammation, ensuring a steady heartbeat, preventing the formation of dangerous or even deadly blood clots, and lowering triglyceride levels. At Activation Products, we’re concerned about the health of our oceans. Karen has improved my health for a better quality of life.” — Yvonne Grant – Windsor, ON On top of that, phytoplankton has even more to offer in terms of energy boosts, as the writers at Superfoods for Superhealth have noted: “marine microalgae is abundant in compounds referred to as nucleotides, cellular energy units that act as “biological batteries” that recharge the cells. However, Wendy McCallum, a registered holistic nutrition consultant, a natural nutrition clinical practitioner and spokesperson for Karen Phytoplankton, says the supplement is “ a source of omega fatty acids, and also contains vitamins A, C, D and K, beta carotene, dietary fibre, antioxidants, calcium, magnesium, selenium, iron and protein.” What are the health benefits of Karen® Phytoplankton? The strain is called Nannochloropsis gaditana, and it’s pretty mind-blowing how such a tiny organism — many times smaller than a red blood cell — can hold such amazing health-giving power. Phenylalanine in Phytoplankton also boosts mental alertness through the activity of nucleic acids. It’s not a cure-all, but it can give your system the boost that it needs to actively fight off illness. I do not feel as tired and have less joint pain and muscle stiffness, especially noticeable in the morning. A team of doctors, microbiologists, and botanists in Europe narrowed down all species of marine phytoplankton supremely beneficial to human health down to just … It is an all-natural pure brain food. Our blood is mostly water, but what’s pretty cool is that fact that plasma (the watery portion of blood) contains levels of salt and other ions that’s incredibly similar to sea water. All marine wildlife depend on phytoplankton in some way. well it’s got high levels of antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids and amino acids. Reviewing the Benefits and Downsides of Oceans Alive 2.0 Marine Phytoplankton Oceans Alive is an oral supplement that promises to trigger the development of new cells by providing the body with over a hundred essential nutrients and trace minerals. Phytoplankton is impressively loaded with life-promoting nutrients, including: Phytoplankton also has an alkaline pH. A capsule a day takes you further. Always store phytoplankton products in a cool, dry place. When populations grow explosively,this is known as a bloom. I have been taking Karen Marine Phytoplankton for a few weeks now to improve my overall health. Kevin Gianni writes in Renegade Health that: “Those taking marine phytoplankton had higher measurements of CD3 in their blood—an indicator of T-lymphocytes, which are immune cells responsible for the elimination of viruses and bacteria from organic tissues—than those that didn’t take phytoplankton.”. These plankton are the self-feeding, plant-like components of the plankton community while the animal-like plankton community is known as zooplankton. It is said that they have the ability to cure a range of different serious ailments. Note that the numbers in parentheses (1, 2, etc.) Because marine phytoplankton contain many vital trace minerals that are essential to the production of brain neuroChemicals such as dopamine and serotonin, people who have struggled with chronic depression often report an alleviation of their condition after taking this supplement. Derived from the Greek words phyto (plant) and planktos (wandering), phytoplankton are not ocean plants but single-celled aquatic organisms that can be found in both salt and freshwater environments. Results may vary based on individual experience. Phytoplankton is a truly amazing organism naturally found in the waters all over the planet. Phytoplankton can be absorbed on a cellular level, so the body doesn’t have to rely on the digestive system or liver for processing. For one thing, modern, industrially-grown foods are severely lacking in nutrients; even fresh-from-the-ground foods don’t have as much nutritional value as they did years ago. They’re better described as protists, which is any member of a group of diverse eukaryotic, predominantly unicellular microscopic organisms. After the second week, I noticed a dramatically increased recovery time after a long run. It also contains a compound known as Proline which enhances learning.”. suppression of symptoms stemming from degenerative disease. In this situation, some types of phytoplankton will appear as colored patches on the water’s surface. by Michael Wright,. Phytoplankton offers hope to those who feel overwhelmed or anxious and to many parents hoping to see positive developmental results in their children. People, but it can support your respiratory health media and enter your email address to! Products derived from it for dogs have been given the sentence of hypothyroidism and bursitis in both.! And Drug Administration publication titled “ Drugs of the plankton community is as! 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