You need to give comfort. It is the cleanest possible color changing deck ever conceived. I do think that women tend to have a sort of background anxiety that longs to be comforted. Or, perhaps, are you inferring that men infantilize women and treat them like babies? Posted in Red Pill Theory and tagged 50 Shades of Red, Commitment, Cunning, Femininity, Fifty Shades of Red, Illimitable Man Maxims, Illimitable Maxims, Long Term Relationships, Love, Loyalty, Masculinity, Maturity, Relationships, Sex, Wisdom, Women on March 9, 2017 by IM. And your answered : For a man’s optimal sexual strategy to thrive, the woman’s must suffer. 50 SHADES OF RED. Introduction If you still don’t understand a point, feel free to ask in the comments. 50 Shades of Red My Saint Valentine Day "Selfie Photoshoot." Trans women? Should I become a playboy like Hugh Heffner and create a rolling harem that gives me the free and open enjoyment of sex with all sorts of women? I’m curious if you could elaborate as to why a women’s perception of a man’s reestablished dominance is permanent can’t be flipped/changed through persuasive game/behavior? Folk and fairy tales have existed for as long as mankind. Kentonna collaborated with Keisha Bowling to co-author her first book, Kentonna enjoys singing, writing songs, shar, ing her life stories and listening to music. You don’t have other things to do, admit it. I’ve been surprised before at how much women seem to need a sense of power over others, at least when they don’t feel as though someone has power over them. Color me naive, but I want to believe that there are women out there who have a greater sense of honor then all of this. I left my wife because of a million reasons but her actions confounded and mystified me for many, many months. The maxims listed are inclusive, but not exhaustive. Please Like & Follow For More Content. Doesn’t TRP teaches how a man should not sacrifice himself for a woman? This is 99.9% of women (some bull dykes are quite good at it, they’re the .1%.) Women make sacrifices for a relationship too, but it’s different, as the final responsibility ultimately falls on man, their sacrifice is lesser. This is just one small example, but I have read all of your posts and have found many such mistakes. It’s all about the amount of sacrifices/compromises it takes to be a father. [throw the papers on the floor], so why don’t you handle it yourself?” but it’s always followed by females siding with her and begging her (she got the attention she wanted) to stay. Ultra high-net-worth women are perhaps the exception, that should reveal all it needs to.”. This is not his fault for his biology deceives him and society lies to him, as such the deck of deception is stacked. This post helped me realize that I am intensely lucky as a son, but that doomed me as a man. IM MAXIM #19: “All past sacrifice is null and void if your continued association does not provide her with a tangible benefit. It is a tough balance and good women are scarce. Look forward to seeing more Maxims. Which also upholds the maxim that females refuse to move backwards in commitment, they will fight like rabid beasts to maintain their status assumed or not. ( Log Out / 4.) You know you can do better, but you’re stuck listening to some self-aggrandising early 20-something girl who is just playing social politics and will fuck shit up for everyone just so she can inanely attempt to boost her social standing. American Culture and Principles. when I show them the work I’ve done, they throw it away saying it’s shit. I’ve likewise adopted brevity here in the hope that the most prominent points will stick more easily. We needed a volunteer during the last session and I said “I’ll do it”. “In short: yes.”. Only a woman who has never had much commitment will be someone who won’t go back financially but will take no commitment. Because leaders have to take care of their followers. Sada Baby Bartier Bounty 2 â 2020 Big Squad LLC. It matters little how well he performs objectively, so long as he does nothing to make her doubt her assessment of him as alpha. Check out to find a community based around this kind of discussion. It takes knowing when to do it, and knowing how much. Posted in Red Pill Theory and tagged 50 Shades of Red, Commitment, Femininity, Fifty Shades of Red, Illimitable Man Maxims, Illimitable Maxims, Long Term Relationships, Love, Loyalty, Machiavellianism, Masculinity, Maturity, Relationships, Sex, Wisdom, Women on March 30, 2016 by IM. However, as said, they give great insight I think. Partners are replaceable, parents aren’t. It’s amazing to see how much of this is actually some kind of true and fits in some kind of shape or form on the different women one has been engaging with through life. They are actually people – people drenched with desire, romance, spirit. #10 – I must admit I have fallen victim to this with a recent woman. Now, this is not your standard officers training course. Gay men? Do these things, and control will shift to your hands. Kentonna has appeared on the “Keisha & Company Show” hosted by Keisha Bowling, Teflon John’s “Art of Re, Invention” Show on Facebook Live, The Marlo Moore Show on. Marriage fulfils the feminine imperative by providing a woman her highest desire. Since they know they inherently have value, thus there is no transformation process in being a woman they miss the fact that a man is made not born. Having been blind sided myself it is amazing, even as a successful alpha, to suddenly realize so much of what you have seen is just pure biology. And “increased burden”–what increased burden? I have been to 2 engineering schools and I’ve met 5-6 girls that were that eager to be the leaders. It’s why I’m fucking bi. Hope this helps and gives some hope to what seems to be such a kill-or-be-killed affair. They do not love you. This isn’t a value judgement either, it is simply how things go. The increase in finance came at a time with no commitment. Fifty Shades: 15 Steamy Moments From The Book That Were TOO SORDID For The Movies . Dedicated to Cath, who gave me the idea! Our hilarious sense of humor? Sure you err on the side of asshole and don’t give into her every little whim. to equip, encourage, and empower women globally to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. With the dominant, she can satiate her masochism. As men, we evaluate the circumstance and note that the women who are the most settled and happy are those paired in such a way, but it’s actually something they wouldn’t, left to themselves, actively pursue. What–do you think she was saving yourself for you? Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Basically, I think this happens because the reality, including the emotions, of unattractive men are simply not emotionally real to a woman. #19 – Right on the bullseye. The problem is, neither can happen without trust. There is no equality in prosperous cultures, only a cooperation where one sex recognises the superiority of the other. The equivalent end-game for the male imperative is a harem of beautiful women. #1 – You’ve touched on a topic, I’ve been pondering for a while now and planning to eventually write about. A woman’s worst nightmare. The softer the men around her, the tougher ⦠August 3, 2017 . You need that. Beautiful harem corresponds to high value male security and commitment. So how come? In some eras, men are celebrated; in others, it is women. Some things may seem obvious, others, not so. Nature is the alpha and omega, it is true justice. She birthed you, so she nourishes you, and ensures that you’ll be able to survive in this world without her. Should I try to remarry and have more kids….??? I was married for 11 years. And if she doesn’t like the fact you workout for whatever strange reason that is, you get rid of her. Well, I have not been with a woman since I took trp so my view of sacrifice is still a beta one : quit going to the gym because you want to be with her, quit seeing your friends, quit doing what you enjoy etc…basically sacrificing your goalsm passion and your life to not lose the pussy. Synthetic heart valves designed from slowly degrading polymer enable gradual replacement by new host tissue during a 12-month study in sheep. One more question, what’s you thoughts on spiritual/devoted Christian women? Corollary: unless the man or woman in question has no better options, in which case they will, with misery.”, IM MAXIM #28: “Women bargain for control of a man’s commitment, men bargain for control of a woman’s body.”, IM MAXIM #29: “Work on the presumption that the women you date are promiscuous. Kentonna’s heart is. All-tolled, all human love pales in comparison to God’s love. Because they usually almost always fuck it up. This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total. Women are the same. Honour is a male abstraction. Dee’s strong faith in God enables her as a Believer to candidly share her life’s experiences. And in that, there is sacrifice on your part. American Constitutionalism. This seems flawed, because women don’t desire commitment from any old chap. Also, by “given certain powers to compensate him for the increased burden”–what powers? Subcategories. These aren’t mutually exclusive. Women do not experience such a significant loss of affection. Marriage provides this. But I really don’t see evidence that they are their highest desire. “Your mother is the only woman who will love you for you, rather than your power. Man has a lucid perspective in comparing the diminished affection of his adulthood to the greater bounty of his childhood. With the dominant man, making him happy makes her happy. Glad you enjoyed it. Here in college I have to work every week within a group of people and the leader is….a girl. Her attraction and respect for the male is linked in that both are dependent on the level of control she possesses over the males emotions. I highly recommend her." So I happened upon this fuck-fest of an article through StumbleUpon (I’m not quite sure why it thought I would like this page but perhaps it’s because I liked the tag of “philosophy” and this might have been sectioned under that) and honestly I don’t even know where to start because there is so, so much wrong with this article and your philosophy and your attitude towards women. Change ), The Modern Maxims, from The Illimitable Man | purushatma. So the field I’m studying in may be another factor. I thought women were heartless harpies out for your money and not capable of love? 1.5K likes. The past means nothing to women. 1.) Whoop-di-fucking-doo, son, you get what you give. That is sacrifice. Women have a dual nature to control and be controlled, for their fluidity permits great perversity. She was using me for comfort and validation without any real reciprocation of attraction on her part. As such, some things may click, others may not. Thanks for all of your great work for us brothers in the Manosphere… For example the loyalty maxims 16, 17 and 18. AFAB non-binaries? Men are drawn to women of innocence and vulnerability. Peter Berkowitz. It is pointless. TLDR; women are so full of love, they’re brimming with it. But it’s important to recognize that there are still tradeoffs in that circumstance, and that you will be alone in trying to keep it stable. ( Log Out / In her mind. It’s not their end state, it’s just a phase of a cycle. Max. “Women aren’t loyal to you, they’re loyal to your power.” Once again, countered by what I said in reply to the first maxim. As one become weaker, likewise so does the other. But love and relationships are related, not identical. I think it’s true. I could go ad nausea of instances that I have personally experienced this effect. Listen up: Do NOT liken parental love to romantic love. It is the human condition to always want more in terms of power and status. I reiterate: experience and power means shit. In a primitive state it runs like this: she finds a man to reproduce with, reproduces, gets him to help her raise the child, and then once the child is a bit self-sufficient she breaks off the commitment and begins looking for the next best prospect to reproduce with. I am not at all interested in getting in touch with my feminine side, so I suppose I’m just here to try to understand what the majority of humanity has to deal with. Seeing as you’ve built quite the following with this disgusting outlook on life and have quite the blog, I doubt this will magically change your mind, but I /do/ hope you realize how laughable you sound to women out there that aren’t, y’know, living in the eighteenth century. A while back this girl I used to date, with whom I was open about my continuous efforts of self improvement in every area of my life, after a couple of glasses of wine told me: Why are you trying so hard to be masculine, you are masculine and man enough! At this point she will actively start looking for more impressive males whether she is conscious of it or not. As her control increases her attraction and respect decreases, as her control her decreases her attraction and respect increases. The same goes for the relationship needs of women. Romance novels are full of both storylines, and with reason. This sentence in the post above, for example, has ‘in’ in the incorrect place: “People will start to look to you if they see you are in always control of yourself.” It should read: People will start to look to you if they see you are always in control of yourself. You will be constantly fighting the narrative she’s trying to play out, a narrative not of permanent devotion but of serial monogamy with a string of alphas. They get mad or begin to cry. What I get from this is that, yes, with respect to a particular man the end goal for a woman is emotional control/commitment. As a testament to the fact I am far from perfect, I shan’t be removing your comment. The past will be brought up in an instant if it involves some sort of advantage to them, but they will not only forget, but in fact negate the very existence of, the sacrifices or kindness offered to them in the past. I kinda want a poster version, haha. This is the AF/BB dynamic as I have made sense of it. When was the last time you saw a leader crying? And they’ll agree. I don’t think women are really wired for longterm monogamy. There is far more. No leader gets everything they want whenever they want it and remains leader. In contrast of taking a stance of being a supervisor or boss means never doing anything on the labor level. Don’t bitch and whine about it when you’re the one that agreed to it. Get married??? In short, the end manifestation is serial monogamy, and commitment is just end phase of each cycle. The key is being able to do it from a place of power and paternal altruism, rather than a frame of feeling weak and giving into her manipulations. It’s all about you. Man is the rock of the relationship, and as such, he makes sacrifices for it should he wish to maintain it. Recommended to you based on your activity and what's popular ⢠Feedback But, women don’t care about the process, they want the finished product. As such, man is forced to realise he will never again be loved so profusely, for the boy gets his fill, but man loves the most to be loved the least. What I’m trying to get at with maxim #43 is specifically the feminine imperative to secure “security and commitment from a high-tier dominant man” – perhaps I should edit that in to make the point clearer. There’s no chance of anything romantic developing because I am married and will not risk that, but I have indeed equated her beauty to equal her personality. Nevertheless, the reality remains.”, IM MAXIM #10: “You conflate her beauty with good character. They don’t want to lose their power to the altruism that woman requires. A noble one, most definitely not; this is reality, accept it.”. Should I pitch in the towel and marry another single mother? Women are drawn to men of experience and power. Maxim #35 uses “loathed” in place of the proper “loathe”. Say if a woman cheated on her husband she gets NOTHING plus, of course, the shame as a bonus. Dee is the visionary and, founder of 50 Shades of Red...Every Woman Has A Story and believes that our journeys are connected, and we meet others along the way adding to our stories that equip us to be, strong, successful women. If you cannot deal with the responsibility of being a leader, you will be a bad leader. The moment you entertain an argument with an emotional woman is the moment you lose and relinquish your power to her. When a lust for power wins, sex is rationed like a drug and used to condition a man with Pavlovian precision”, IM MAXIM #48: “When a woman manipulates a man she does not find attractive, she does so through feigned frigidity and sex appeal rather than through sexual act.”, IM MAXIM #49: “It is in a woman’s interest to give deliberately mixed signals. But for many years after its fall the practice was seen as immoral and dark. It’s the same with everyone and when someone else calls them on their bullshit they usually go full victim mode “OKAY! There’s no transformation, thus she expects everything around her to just “be”, in order for her to maximize her hypergamy. Freedom to, I don’t know, hit on whoever you want? Moving on: “Women love children how men love women.” Do I…. For example, #47 and #48 are relevant to a circumstance I have right now where I’ve cut off a former flame from my attention. ], IM MAXIM #46: “Women weaponise sex, for it is their trump card, and often, their only card.”, IM MAXIM #47: “It is inextricably womanlike to control the attractive man with sex. On the other hand, when they split up knowledge, concentrate on their own field, and scorn and ignore other fields, they grow less wise — even in their own field.” – Isaac Asimov, Contents: Trans men? She is one of those leaders who is constantly asking for group opinion and then going with whatever best fits her personal politics/will boost her reputation? This category is for all varieties, not only shades in the technical sense. I have been illuminated and I am grateful. There’s plenty despicable men out there who have experience and far too much power (ex. Alphas are something else entirely. Your site is way too important to have such ambiguity, and I’d be happy to help out in this regard. She is the exception to the rule. The limited few are married to high powered and extreme alphas. IM MAXIM #24: “As her control increases, her attraction and respect decreases. You gotta earn it, first. That’s why those relationships do not last. If it were not for this dynamic, men stuck in the provisioning role would not be so miserable. 3.) As for the typos you’re pointing out, I can’t even see them in this post with the search function. If a man can do that, his relationship is golden. It took me a while, but I now recognize this as the manipulation it is. There is a lot more to it than just that…marriage is a long shot, and if the aim is not proper at the end of the rifle, it will make for feet of difference down range. He no longer is.”, IM MAXIM #38: “Marriage is the only legal contract in existence that permits a person to violate contractual terms and then subsequently penalise the party who upheld said terms.”, IM MAXIM #39: “Woman, much unlike man, does not see marriage as a legal contract or responsibility. This girl of yours is probably a control freak/power hungry women trying to become popular. Do you have any more info on manipulating feelings? You can’t ruin your kids with divorce if you never get married to begin with.”, IM MAXIM #42: “Women want to get married because, in the majority of circumstances, they have everything to gain and nothing to lose. IM MAXIM #43: “Security and commitment is the female end-game. Now if she was caught in the act, and her husband killed her or/and him (the idiot she was caught with), where I am from, he would get the maximum of 6 months in jail and treated like a hero. As such, trust is predicated on the degree of one’s control far more than it is any sense of blind loyalty.”, IM MAXIM #8: “Women are followers, not leaders; they follow trends, status and power, not a sense of innate loyalty.”, IM MAXIM #9: “The average man is ignorant and misled. In the scenario of people not attending the meeting, it’s “I work so hard to make sure everything going well and they try TO FUCK EVERYTHING UP”. The conventional understanding of loyalty demands a bond beyond an enamour with power.”, IM MAXIM #17: “Opportunistic loyalty is an instrument of pragmatism, sacrificial loyalty is typically not. Your inclination will be to assume her innocence, but you are wiser to assume her guilt.”. The cycle only ends when a) she becomes too old to reproduce/attract alpha attention; or b) she gets strong enough commitment from a man to keep her around but not so strong that she feels like she can stop striving for more (i.e. She was also never given any proper Christian upbringing as a child, and after her divorce spent most of her time alone, while not raising my sister and me. Thank you again. Buy “The Art of Seduction” in the UK I kinda want a poster version, haha. 50 Shades of Red is an exhibition curated collaboratively by Anne LaPrade Seuthe, director of Hampden Gallery, Kathleen Jacobs, Director of Blueway Art Alliance, and Trevor Richardson, Director of Herter Gallery. Never stop going to the gym and doing the things that make you dominant. Our riveting conversational skills? The toughest woman is the fatherless woman, for the fatherless woman seeks a surrogate by whoring herself.” [See here for more. Much like how lowly valueless men want to fuck the most beautiful women. Man’s love is respect built upon desire. And then they cry, which is embarrassing. Man has a lucid perspective in comparing the diminished affection of his adulthood to the greater bounty of his childhood. All meant to bait the male into reacting emotionally, which of course must not under any circumstances be engaged. She has left you. As such, do not argue with women. This is your security. “Knowledge is indivisible. Jul 24, 2020 - Explore Nocturnal Flower's board "50 Shades Of Red", followed by 184 people on Pinterest. In this way she indulges her lust for power with the submissive man, and her lust to feel feminine with the dominant.”, IM MAXIM #26: “If she is with a submissive man, she prioritises her happiness. The equivalent end-game for the male imperative is a harem of beautiful women.” Er, I’m opposed to marriage so I really doubt that it’s my “highest desire”, but moving onto /your/ end-game–“a harem of beautiful women”–are you sure you want that? The profundity of maternal love is longed for, but forever gone. Cut to Lemons running towards a line Red soldiers standing in front of a training facility, The facility shoots a bolt of energy into the sky. they yell all the time. Like–I know I’m not getting married, because I don’t really see the benefit to it, so if you don’t either, then just don’t??? I do think that women tend to have a sort of background anxiety that longs to be comforted. To women, betas are friends, helpers, co-workers, employees, servants; unless related by blood, they are practical beings only. That is not completely true. If you’re a decent guy–which you are not–you could easily get a girl to fall in love with you, a girl that will happily hold your hand and give you massages and support you when you most need it, a girl that love you for /you/, because you’re someone that’s worth loving. Lots of your maxims revolve around this fundamental truth: a woman is born, she has inherent value. Again, being the alpha provider may be one of the best end states for a man to aspire to. First time reader – great series of points. Each sex is determined not to suffer, and so both inflict suffering on the other in a perverse determination not to suffer themselves; this is the battle of the sexes, this is reproductive war.”, IM MAXIM #7: “The sexes desire to trust one another, but they wish to actualise their sexual imperatives far more. In a bygone era, it was. In my experience the biggest shit tests often occur when she senses significant loss of control, which usually entails elaborate ultimatums, excessively dramatic appeals to emotion and venomously vindictive attacks. Secondly, let’s get to your maxims, here. We call this female sexual plurality. And that is not love. Great. As such, these maxims do not compromise the totality of wisdom available on this topic. In fact, if he’s average, in a liberal society such as ours, she’ll just use him up, tire of him, discard him and move onto more exciting pastures. One common thing that I’ve observed is that in case of failure or really ANYTHING going wrong (like half of the group doesn’t show up for the meeting), they play the victim card “they are mean to ME” like it’s a personal attack. Or by the distractions of rollercoaster emotions. IM Maxim #24- “And she will never forget his old ways, she will never really believe he is a worthy leader.”. n. 1. a. Mel, Much appreciated post. She is now a VP at a massive company and battles high powered men all day only to have grace and kindness at home. The softer the men around her, the tougher she is. A single alpha male is a hunter. UPDATE: An article with a further 50 maxims has been published. With #38 it is not, again, the case in those countries. Do you have any suggestions about taking the lead despite having this kind of monster in your group? But you have to recognize that this isn’t a circumstance that women will attempt to maintain. No, it has to be the commitment/security of an alpha. Fuck your power. And that’s just romantic love; there’s already so many boys in my life that have my least conditional love, platonically–my cousins, my close guy friends that I go to concerts and comedy shows with. Woe is me. Those are two, very, very different things, and if you confuse those to that can lead to incredibly dangerous and toxic results. In matters of men, women are capable only of the prior, the Latter is reserved for her children. People will start to look to you if they see you are in always control of yourself. There is a tangible freedom in her work to love freely - children, lovers, parents, friends, nature, art, our selves, our fears, and the divine. This is perhaps the bitterest of all the pills.” Oh, jeez. When a woman no longer admires, and a man no longer sacrifices, love is lost. Limited few are married to high value male security and commitment are desires that women tend have... They become Hitler, admit it on a macro/government level, punctuation vital... Finance came at a time with no commitment into my very bones stood out to me a! And relinquish your power to the fact you workout for whatever strange reason that is love. ” [ here... By merit of its broken down format and empower women globally to dream more, more... 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