endstream Your strength or what you do is not important. How The Squirrel Got Its Stripes (A tale from the Ramayana), My Vision For India by Dr. A.P.J. x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� endobj Thousands … Why does little Brown Squirrel forget what his grandmother told him about teasing? �\ |�$ endstream How The Squirrel Got Its Stripes (A tale from the Ramayana) Following text is a tale from the Ramayana. That is how Chipmunk got his stripes. �Y�ebbbbbN���������C`Y�X�X�X�X�X��!��@�@�@�@�@���XV V V V V V�t,++++++p:���������� endstream endstream 13 0 obj Target Skill Activities 6. <> �z@� �0& Pages can include considerable notes-in pen or highlighter-but the notes cannot obscure the text. /XObject <> But Brown Squirrel got away. endobj He could prepare the most delicious dish. stream stream How Chipmunk Got His Stripes Story It has always been said that bears think very highly of themselves. When the squirrel did not listen to the monkey’s advice and resumed his work of carrying pebble, the monkeys got angry. endstream if sun would or would not come up next day. endobj This tale based on a Native American folktale illustrates the results of bragging and teasing between friends, Bear and Brown Squirrel. Then Rama held the squirrel close to him. 120 seconds . stream � stream With three fingers, Sri Rama drew three lines down the squirrel’s back. endobj khadija101 khadija101 12.07.2020 English Secondary School +5 pts. Why is this advice important for a squirrel? They cut them into shape and began to build the bridge. 14 0 obj Vocabulary Activities … /Resources 28 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 67 >> 2nd grade - lesson 9 - How Chipmunk Got His Stripes - Reading Comprehension 16 Terms. endobj endobj .� Do you think we can build a bridge with pebbles? <> stream <> Try This little squirrel has love in his heart.”. What advice did Brown Squirrel’s grandmother give him? 25 0 obj A great monkey was carrying a large heavy stone on his back and the “What truly matters is not the strength one has, but how great one’s love and devotion is.” From that day forth squirrels have had three pale stripes on their rich brown furry backs—marks of the great Sri Rama. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. �z@� �0&�2�Գ��ɹ �z@� �0& When the bridge was complete, Rama thanked the squirrels. x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� endstream He was very angry and asked the squirrel what he was doing there. How do you think a chipmunk got the stripe down his back? But the squirrel, unmindful of the monkey’s remarks, continued to carry the pebbles. endobj How the Squirrel Got His Stripes by A readable copy. x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� From then on the squirrel carries the three white stripes on his back. �z@� �0&�2�Գ��ɹ +�p�٧��A��q}̾�����_b���Օ�и�����B8�+���2@T��P� R�>�~�2 . Lord Rama and his monkey army were making a bridge to Lanka to save Sita with the help of stones. The monkeys were angry and one of them picked up the squirrel by his tail and threw him far away. endobj SURVEY . x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� >> �z@� �0& stream endobj Essential Question 2. s%��'�e8 ���k�;cRs��A���?S,4~(CZ��N��B�����O�$(.t9��|��[jW�T��wG�@�gVZP�?��e�$"iKW� �Ndgaھ"DqY��`X�R��E��H�K�p~�G�S9H��m�p��vK�E�!�(�M��o8:q���X��# And I want to work hard for him.”. Did Brown Squirrel believe that Bear could do anything? Work began at once on a stone bridge. w�8����y�6Չ���s���j�+�1TY� �CW�.����1Q]s�������J�)arEb�jS���B�v�!��?��5��@�h�E��HT HI��4r#}s��I����%�U�lz� �\ } ' (1-I) 9. endstream How are they the same? A little brown squirrel hears bear claim that he can do anything and thus challenges him to not let the sun come up in the morning. He was now Chipmunk, the striped one. endstream �����c����� k�� False, The little squirrel wanted to help Lord Rama. "Oh, really?" He carried the pebbles from the seashore and dropped them into the sea. The squirrel fell on Rama’s hands after he was thrown away by a monkey. They clever black squirrels helped by covering themselves and their bushy tails with sand and dirt that they shook over the cracks in the bridge to fill the cracks. HOW THE SQUIRREL GOT HIS STRIPES, KONDIBA- A HERO , HOW THE SQUIRREL GOT HIS STRIPES. �\ |�& endobj .� endstream endobj How did the squirrel get his stripes? True 4. �\ }) How the Squirrel Got His Stripes 23 One day, Rama saw a small brown squirrel. Just as the title suggests, this book describes how the chipmunk came into being. Their love for me makes them work like this,” thought Rama. endobj <> �����c����� kz� 2nd grade - lesson 9 - How Chipmunk Got His Stripes - Reading Comprehension traditional tales stories that people have been telling for many years moral of the story characters in … One day, Bear went along turning over big logs with his paws to look for food to eat. .� Once, Lord Rama, wishing to cross the sea, asked his army of monkeys to build a bridge for him. stream � endobj endstream /Resources <> Answered Write a summery on how the squirrel got his stripes... 1 See answer khadija101 is waiting for your help. It tells us how the squirrel came to get the stripes … ��>a�+U� �SC*E��LKf�=���xJ�7 stream It tells us how the squirrel came to get the stripes on its body. My heart cries out for Rama and I’ll do all I can for him.”, The monkeys said, “Don’t be foolish. �����c����� k�� When he heard about the bridge, he decided to help too. endobj When spring came Brown Squirrel looked at himself. And what are you doing here?”. �z@� �0& x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� � �!>� New York: Dial Book for Young Readers. � The story tries to find out the logic behind the stripes on the body of a squirrel. because he is so happy . ��ebbbbbN���������C`Y�X�X�X�X�X��!��@�@�@�@�@���XV V V V V V V�� The monkey jumped back. What did Bear learn in the story? Start studying Comprehension How Chipmunk Got His Stripes. All this was very difficult work and it took a long time. He was so annoyed that he lifted him in his hands and threw him away. x���ar�:��m��`%�J�+VRXI�J�4���NcG�����ӄ�v_�������� ��_� �BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB�5]m�۵���z���X~T�wu�P��\�:�-zBBBBBB�(����������臭��*�~��LOaBaBaBaBaBa[)Q���_���Wzq��GUY�Xuδ��g�y� !L!L!L!L!L!L!L�p�+m��;���$��-�'�0!�0!�0!�0!�0!�0%�������Y-n�_���D�#�&�&�&�&���E� ��0��}��#NQ��7J!L!L!L!L!,P������V���轊S���'�&�&�&�&�ֶDqA�s�Xq�^�� SzBBBBBB��DO=��~��\?^a�Z|�~����‰�„„„„„¶R����6[^�|�x��(�ʳ�Q��DOp��„„„„„¶� L�2Q}=�[�i�G�J�9г&�ߤ'�0!�0!�0!�0!�0!����(��7-�l�p�s���G�\�9�s��,���!� !� !� !� !�֬����-*���E9'��t�خ=!� !� !� !� !� !�m}A����W.hq�F#Z���q4��QzBBBBBB��DO���*�6d��Њ�B�� !L!L!L!L!L!,0��*�[^�j�9�z�A}�(��/����„„„„„„¶2���f�>Z|�Y�X����mn�mYBOaBaBaBaBaBa[�_�}���f���l��s�\�lzBBBBBB��ht�8>Z�*KojɦJ/zBBBBBB��X%�HH�ɋZ�}�j������X�����'�0!�0!�0!�0!�0!���\�b֥/�^�w�����9�����(�� !� !� !� !� !�me���S*��Ѩ�n���N�U�E'�&�&�&�&����!�՞{� ���ms}���FQ �!� !� !� !� !� !�m�N�s���5�m�o��s(S7ۜ�n��„„„„„¶� L\��Ie�FK�,��m�ܦ�L�qBaBaBaBaBamK�1��96����hj��7_������ !L!L!L!L!L!,P����Lf�\:���3��GQ,g\? The stripes on the squirrel‘s back are the marks of Lord Rama’s fingers. 34 0 obj Brown Squirrel is so happy to be right that he teases Bear. I can do anything. endobj Besides ‘How the Squirrel got His Stripes,’ I managed to do a mini-series of three books drawing on local myth and legend, using Alex Stewart’s superbly-detailed paintings, pricing them affordably so that not only books but his art would be made … endobj 22 0 obj “You, what?” shouted the monkey and laughed aloud. Learning Goals: Warm-Up Share a Riddle! Got His Stripes Journeys 2nd Grade Unit 2-Lesson 9 GAMES, ACTIVITIES, ANCHOR CHARTS, HOMEWORK and more! 6. How did the zebra and the squirrel get their stripes? “How hard they work! 5. endobj The squirrel landed in Lord Rama’s hands. �h!�h���“j,�g2h�"f��gĉ��qMmR�:�Y{@C&�05I�h�-��z��$C��. �!> 23 0 obj x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� <> iL!��t����!2'M�N�*�&�Op �*?�1T$e6•1��� Then Rama held the squirrel close to him. x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� endobj �!> 29 0 obj 32 0 obj ... How Chipmunk Got His Stripes - Reading Comprehension 16 Terms. � The squirrel, crying out the name of Rama, fell into his hands. In order to save him, the monkey had to move to one side and while doing so he nearly tripped. The answer depends on who you ask or what you read. 12 0 obj <> Log in. How did the story say Chipmunk got his stripes? <> �z@� �0&�2�Գ��ɹ The little squirrel could carry only little pebbles at a time in his small mouth. While bear is walking through the woods, he chants, I am Bear, I am Bear. Ask for details ; Follow Report by Ravijaiswal24 03.06.2019 Log in to add a comment 250 ISBN : 978-955-0041-08-4 . The little squirrel looked up at the great monkey. �z@� �0&�2�Գ��ɹ 7 0 obj The monkeys were angry and one of them picked up the squirrel by his tail and threw him far away. �����c����� ke� seashore with little pebbles in his mouth. stream <> Target Strategy Activities 8. Zulu 2 20 Terms. endstream how did the brown squirrel get his stripes to make him look like a chipmunk? �;�eu*��o Ds]y�R��M�p|#����O�]�bj�*7�Ԁi�X�:��4�>�f�6��%*��J;a�V3� 6P� bC*����hj"�:EPn��2/��p1 !lD�!��$TE™�sKhY����ŮPX?d���#���C��U@ stream � Grades: 2 nd, 3 rd. God gave me only a little strength. � �����c����� k�� �!>� endstream <> Hello Select your address Best Sellers Today's Deals New Releases Electronics Books Customer Service Gift Ideas Home Computers Gift Cards Subscribe and save Coupons Sell 2 HOW THE SQUIRREL GOT HIS STRIPES LESSON OVERVIEW This is a short mythological story taken from the Ramayana. There are several charming stories about this. 31 0 obj Once, Lord Rama, wishing to cross the sea, asked his army of monkeys to build a bridge for him. endobj Ask your question. Rama then waged war on Ravana and set off to battle. 15 0 obj I can only carry pebbles. <> ��ebbbbbN���������C`Y�X�X�X�X�X��!��@�@�@�@�@�@���XV V V V V V�t,++++++p:������������������U�YV V1=�M,+����&b^����&�xbb?��t Abdul Kalam, The Lake Isle Of Innisfree (Poem) by W.B.Yeats, Where the Mind is Without Fear (Poem) by Rabindranath Tagore. <> According to Hindu legend, the squirrel got its stripes by helping the holy god Rama. 27 0 obj Which animal thought he could make the sun not come up the next day? How the Squirrel Got His Stripes. Listen to these sentences from the story. ����A��BKK����������1�s.��������7ǔZ���rP���P:�H�S&"fe%�Z[ It tells us how the squirrel came to get the stripes on its body. Brown Squirrel doesn't believe him, so the two wait all night to see if the sun will rise. "Hurry, Hurry!" Illustrated by Jose Aruego and Ariane Dewey. 39 0 obj endobj !���֕\Udi,��s/Q�13�C% @�[�n� ��v=���H�%5�b(��Ăͻ�TE�?�v��i��C�=Ƿ�7�h� ��M�|z� ~�~�7�8����T�+h(}c�W� Cj앵I�.a d�I(S�E5N�gJ�!U(wpx�������.�D)Dq\T)G�$+7 endstream Even so, there is wisdom to be gained as the story unfolds. to show that the speaker is happy. � l�H�R Da�u��� 9�`�C�#RP���$~�A��NIHB�� W$����! x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� The monkeys pulled out rocks and heavy stones from the mountains, and carried them to the sea. Let’s Talk! bear. He loved Lord Rama so much that he wanted to do something for him. � <> <> 9 0 obj x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� WORD MEANINGS (1) Bridge= A road build over river, stream (2) Night and day= Round the clock (3) Seashore= Beach (4) Pebbles= a small rounded stone (5) Squirrel= A … “Here, you little thing,” shouted the monkey in a voice like thunder, “you’re in my way, I stepped back and you’re alive now. The notice should be in 3 or 4 sentences. Ram asked his army to build a bridge over the sea. 4 0 obj <> How Chipmunk Got His Stripes Story It has always been said that bears think very highly of themselves. How Chipmunk Got his Stripes is a fable about a bear and a brown squirrel. endobj Share - How the Squirrel Got His Stripes. Squirrel did all the cooking. �z@� �0& brown squirrel. �!>& Both characters have follies and it is these follies that present problems for each. endobj endobj One day another monkey saw him. �z@� �0& “The squirrel is building a bridge with his pebbles. ��rJQ�YL�U�q��͂�bE��H6���L]GUw�!��I���'M��%�"���Rk{�3J'*+�`dW�(`!�t Do you think you can help Rama? Deep down in his burrow, where Bear couldn’t get him, Brown Squirrel curled up next to his grandmother and slept all winter while those scratches on his back healed. endobj Get it by Friday, Jul 3 from Aurora, Illinois; Need it faster? Author : Alex Stewart 95 In Stock Quantity. He loved Lord Rama 35 0 obj Hello, Sign in. .� <> Thousands of monkeys worked night and day. What were the monkeys doing? because he is so scared. "There is nothing I cannot do," said Bear. Long ago, King Rama was expelled from his father’s kingdom and sent to the forest with his faithful wife, princess Sita, and his loyal brother, Laxmanan. 10 0 obj �z@� �0&�2�Գ��ɹ � 24 0 obj Here, you little thing, shouted the He has a big army to help him. <> He was Brown Squirrel no longer. endstream endobj endobj �z@� �0&�2�Գ��ɹ Discussion cards for the story 4. x���� �@A5�����������{n}�?`�������������������������������'G�,++++++p:������8� <> He then held the squirrel closer to him and said, “Little one, your love touches my heart.” He said these words and passed his fingers gently over the little squirrel’s back. Hook Your Students . <> There were long pale stripes all the way down his back where Bear had scratched him. stream stream What matter is your love. 1 0 obj <> 11 0 obj 41 0 obj Because of his small size, he could carry only small pebbles in his mouth and kept dropping them into the sea. �����c����� kl� Since they are big and strong, they are certain that they are the most important of the animals. Nanette102 PLUS. ���I�� ���CЂ�|f�A���2aP7�xzh���rCSfrF���i(G�g��beedLP� ���q�F:�F��TH�_Kk �L�� /Length 675 >> endstream 40 0 obj <> endstream � True 3. He said to the monkeys, “Do not make fun of the weak and the small. <> Ram asked his army to build a bridge over the sea. �!>F 5 0 obj How Chipmunk Got His Stripes Test Record Form 35 Lesson 9 WEEKLY TESTS 9.1 '//. stream Q4. Ans4. <> The squirrel did not think this funny at all. . 17 0 obj One day Rama saw a small brown squirrel. x��< �Tŵ��vE���W�U��r " Add your answer and earn points. “But I want to help, too,” said the squirrel and would not go. ,++++++p:������8� 26 0 obj answer choices . x�5�K �z@� �0&�2�Գ��ɹ �\ |�# There was a small squirrel too. He was going up and down the seashore with little pebbles in his mouth. Lord Rama was touched by his love for him. �0D�=Ŝ m��v+~P\(��� ���-&o��0(C��V0n�.�$����k� T�r@�i4�O̪��-#�r����� 99�)R˽%�pe��?A���I< Author: Bruchac, Joseph and James . .� HOW CHIPMUNK GOT HIS STRIPES. Ask your question. But I nearly fell. Vocabulary Word Walls 9. �\ }* /Resources 28 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 67 >> � [�4��d��pӠ��R�q�r�W�C��uZ6�D���JU�H���@g�4�X� ���"MSe�ؔ�H�|��aE$P4ѩ �p\H�h�����vi:�0)�靑V�rN��F4L> ӏ�f��_r�U����!>R)&����i��0����U�v��S����s��(����a$�]�;[o< The monkeys pulled out rocks and heavy stones from the mountains, and carried them to the sea. <> He felt very sure of himself. And when he put him down there were three white stripes on his back. He said, “Look, I can’t carry mountains or rocks. 0��g4��2��`g���A� How are a bear and a chipmunk different? (1-I) 8. /Resources 28 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 67 >> He said to the monkeys, “Do not make fun of the weak and the small. /Resources 28 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 67 >> Unit 2 Lesson 9: How Chipmunk Got His Stripes Day 1 Essential Questions How can I use the 5 W's (Who, What, Where, When, Why) to retell a folktale and moral (lesson)? At ThriftBooks, our motto is: Read More, Spend Less. �z@� �0&�2�Գ��ɹ How Chipmunk Got His Stripes PRINTABLES ONLY Lesson 9, Unit 2 **If you have purchased the How Chipmunk Got His Stripes unit with the centers, please do not purchase this set as these are the printables only from the set. endobj �!>� False, The little squirrel was carrying pebbles. � 4.8 Check Your Answers Overall Questions 1. endstream �z@� �0& endobj They cut them into shape and began to build the bridge. 37 0 obj endobj Q. answer choices . �\ |�" The monkey got angry and one of them picked up the squirrel and flung him away. endstream He carried the pebbles from the seashore and dropped them into the sea. brown squirrel . TEST RECORD FORM Possible Score Criterion Score Student Score Vocabulary: Target Vocabulary, Synonyms 10 8 Comprehension: Understanding Characters, Selection Test 10 8 Phonics: Base Words and Endings -ed, -ing 10 8 Phonics: CV Words 10 8 Language Arts: Verbs in the Present 10 8 TOTAL 50 40 Total Student … He felt very sure of himself. � Work began at once on a stone bridge. Since they are big and strong, they are certain that they are the most important of the animals. When he heard the squirrel’s answer, he told him that his efforts were useless. nealmcmickens. Following text is a tale from the Ramayana. .� 16 0 obj How do characters react to a story? /Resources 28 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 67 >> .� How Chipmunk Got His Stripes. /Resources 28 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 67 >> ��ebbbbbN���������C`Y�X�X�X�X�X��!��@�@�@�@�@���XV V V V V V�t,+++++++pg������8� Brown Squirrel gets stripes and is called chipmunk from that day forward . x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� Ans: The … � 3 0 obj $26.00 Free Shipping. Oh dear! <> Table of Contents 1. How Chipmunk Got His Stripes is a creation myth that is retold by Joseph and James Bruchac. endobj Sure enough, the sky reddens and the sun appears. x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� HOW THE SQUIRREL GOT HIS STRIPES LESSON OVERVIEW This is a short mythological story taken from the Ramayana. Brown Squirrel’s back from the tip of his head to the tip of his tail. One day, he came in the path of a big monkey carrying a big stone. There were long pale stripes all the way down his back. � “I’m sorry you nearly fell, Brother Monkey,” he said in his small voice, “but please always look where you are going. �!>� How The Squirrel Got His Stripes. Title: How Chipmunk Got His Stripes How the Squirrel Got His Stripes; How the Squirrel Got His Stripes RS. And that is how the strongest bridge across the sea was built. All this was very difficult work and it took a long time. (1-L) 6. When spring came again, little Brown Squirrel came out of his hole and looked at himself. 33 0 obj Join now. The little squirrel could carry only little pebbles at a time in his small mouth. endstream What was bear and brown squirrel betting? I’m helping Rama build the bridge. 1. �z@� �0& The squirrel did not give up his work. 20 0 obj %PDF-1.4 `V�H�I���Pd-p%| ��Y��%�P��Y ,��$H�ƍh�,*GE�h%�(D6�Z D�X(���*T&8m�(�M���RY����H1��}+� Now it has always been said that bears think very highly of themselves. � One day, Bear went along turning over big logs with his paws to look for food to eat. As this bear went along turning over big logs with his paws to look for food to eat, he felt very sure of himself. When the squirrel told the monkey that he was also contributing in building the bridge, all the monkeys made fun of him. All pages are intact, and the cover is intact. The bear thinks since he is so big and mighty that he can do anything. This tale is referred to in the Ramayana of … <> The squirrel fell into the hands of Lord Rama. /Resources 28 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 67 >> The squirrel, crying out the name of Rama, fell into his hands. He stroked him gently on the back and put him aside. Isbn: 9780142500217. �z@� �0&�2�Գ��ɹ <> stream stream �����c����� k�� x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� One of the monkeys picked up the squirrel by his tail and threw him far away. x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� Log in. What matters is your love. <> (1-L) 7. Ever since then, Chipmunk has been the x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� I work in a Memory Unit at an assisted living facility as an Activities Directory and loved reading "How The Skunk Got It's Stripes" story to my residents. I will be able to identify the moral /Resources 28 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 67 >> I’ve never heard a funnier story.” The other monkeys laughed too. /Resources 28 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 67 >> On a … �z@� �0& <> �\ |�% !�0!�0!�0!�0!����(z�x��I~Zk16�~��n.��B�B�B�B�B�B��)�b����W����vbė�XBOaBaBaBaBaBaJ�_�h�=����ìn�aE'�&�&�&�&�&���:�6����J���ʵ_�m�~�'�0!�0!�0!�0!�0!��@�".>��E�C[X�ѡv�]��j��&�&�&�&�&�ֶD�'�0!�0!�0!�0!�0!�0!�0!�0!�0!�0!�0!�0!�0!�0!�0!�0!l����?~|���n�+_����5_�|�=+߬m{��NyI����g9������rr�������r��?����";e�}}�����v|��Ǐ�)��}xX�)˓Kڞ,�S��V:����K�SN�#*ߔ���%m��G�׍�C���p�9�r�������,;弄����ҷ�K0�Y>}Ay8����%�%9��p���ӧ����_�����g�ݯf��_�+~[�}�v3�|z�������ה����^ۇ����5��f�����^����fz��C�����������'G%Z{=^�f9!�\4���z�P~�KNyX����D�+~��FN���X�'��}���Ӌk����;�!lnH�����׫���}vh����f���i�n�g�h�[�P*��oZlx�miR�K6\�>>�H�/�%xc�l�ׯ_��}�N9����������0tS7�}�x?sI���~P��^��� +w�y� !��QBB��R He was now Chipmunk, the striped one. � <> He carried the pebbles again from the shore to the sea. Feb 20, 2015 - Character Traits based on How Chipmunk Got his Stripes This is a short mythological story taken from the Ramayana. "̨��6C �������7Q����F�� ._%(��D4 �0n�w�z��3�E���s�����[uo���W�� ̊ ��oC1�o�Ɨ3a6�P�@�դ� Essential Question discussion 3. endobj Target Strategy Anchor Chart 7. As he stroked their dusty backs, their black fur beneath the dust was revealed and that is how the squirrels got their stripes. True 2. �\ }+ Since they are big and strong, they are certain that they are the most important of the animals. /Resources 28 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 67 >> He carried the pebbles from the seashore and dropped them into the sea. stream <> Your strength or what you do is not important. Account & Lists Account Returns & Orders. endobj endobj endstream stream Target Skill Anchor Chart 5. .� x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� Long ago when animals could talk, a bear was walking along. how did the brown squirrel get his stripes to make him look like a chipmunk? endobj stream "Hurry, Brown Squirrel," she called. endobj 21 0 obj <> /Resources 26 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 111 >> x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� stream They lived there happily until King Ravana of Lanka tricked Sita. �!>� .� �z@� �0&�2�Գ��ɹ <> 30 0 obj When spring came again, little Brown Squirrel came out of his hole and looked at himself. This tale told by a father and son duo present the story of Bear and Brown Squirrel. Leave a reply. A great monkey was carrying a large heavy stone on his back and the squirrel came in his way . How the Chipmunk got his stripes. 36 0 obj 6 0 obj Yes I can! endobj How did Brown Squirrel trick Bear? Tags: Question 5 . How the Squirrel Got His Stripes Notes 19 English Secondary Course 2 HOW THE SQUIRREL GOT HIS STRIPES This story is one of the many stories referred to in the Ramayana. /SMask 41 0 R /Length 2121 >> Join now. “Did you hear that!” he said to the other monkeys. .� �����ch����� {C A great monkey was carrying a large heavy stone on his back and the squirrel came in his way. He was going up and down the seashore with little pebbles in his mouth. �!>f ���M���e��F����"�E6Yi߆-#�0L�D��)��=b09M�-L�b� �C�`X ;�EH2IJV#��C�ۑ�j_2���2���,� a��@j� ��ӑ����]!V�D �ȼXɖI�B ��q��]8 d5{�� �P`5iLH�M�t�m�'LmPH��:;�� a6������;�� �*Ю7ӈ�dc|� �z@� �0& stream �����c����� k�� ��7�{�t��%��y{��lX����P���xB��M�k�g��G!R�Dݺ�EN#��`f8*i�y����R�#�n"��N�J�MD���9K�!j�;��C��� ����xg�%q��x�&�8�K(���ԩ+��B��n*�pUhSC]4�cG�Cb�\���Α+�qJ;�@�&���x�³vvN�B8�1�Z� ��FʦIQp��>)r8f`���H�\zv1�?�̠\zC��*_� �N���(��™,�;�XO����ޤ0銃X�0ɑJ�n/Y6�N��$H~p�^A$.YI/Q>D�K�D��tR�v���i��. �����c����� ks� x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� Rama felt happy. What happens when a little brown squirrel teases a big black bear? How the Squirrel Got His Stripes 27 Exercise Write a ‘Lost and found’ notice describing a wrist watch. The monkey jumped back. �-t�l)-��a�Mi�56"�*�:��M@�d�&K��LH�I�z(tt=η�ٱg u$ Ig�eτ��AhQj��te\C���kg��X8��:���!�;��&0B��,�Z�V�B�t��3�:��ݿ��ȼe�i��c�8bN����.�r`�����T��_�ը���Αk�C0b�O�8j?��Lj!�O��k!�1�Nʜ��0�Q�@6�%j�A�Z,r}���f)�����Eml� � Oh dear! x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� Ans: When the squirrel fell into Lord Rama’s hand, he gently and lovingly ran his fingers on the squirrel’s back. �����c����� k�� 8 0 obj stream endstream What happens to the squirrel when he was thrown far away? Then waged war on Ravana and set off to battle the next day HERO, how the Chipmunk Got stripes! Can do anything not think this funny at all side and while doing so he tripped... Title suggests, this book describes how the squirrel landed in Lord Rama and his monkey were... 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