Buddleja loricata is a 4-metre bushy shrub with honey-scented flowers, later in the season than most Buddleja. B.loricata South Africa   see hardy species. It has striking felty grey foliage, and a dense growth habit. Buddleja davidii Silver Anniversary . Skin Care Wildlife Gifts Bird Houses ... Current: Buddleja Plant - Silver Anniversary ® Buddleia Plant - Silver Anniversary® 1 x 2 Litre Potted Plant 297169 . USE IN: Cottage gardens, wildlife gardens, for colour and scent, in mixed beds. It's virtually sterile too, so you'll never be plagued with unwanted seedlings. © MG Photography Buddleja 'Silver Anniversary' Butterfly Bush Stock #MG00617 Super Silver This luscious fuzzy white plant has relatively insignificant white flowers but dazzling foliage that is clean and tough. COVID-19 UpdateLearn more. Jetzt Buddleja davidii 'Silver Anniversary' / Schmetterlingsstrauch 'Silver Anniversary' günstig kaufen Bis zu 20 Prozent Rabatt Top Baumschul-Qualität Riesige Auswahl mit über 10.000 Pflanzen Günstige, europaweite Lieferung. Full sun or part shade in any position. Suggested uses Beds and borders, Containers, Cottage/Informal, Drought Tolerant, Greenhouse, Instant Email When Available To Order × Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec; Sowing Period. A silver coloured Buddleja with white/cream flowers. 5' x 5' (1.5m x 1.5m) Plant Colour. DESCRIPTION: Deciduous shrub with soft silver-grey leaves and cream honey-scented flowers from late summer through to autumn. Aug 26, 2020 - Explore I's board "Buddleia" on Pinterest. It is a deciduous shrub with striking silver, narrowly lance-shaped foliage which resembles Russian olive leaves. Buddleja 'Silver Anniversary' is a hardy, evergreen shrub with fragrant white flowers that are magnets for butterflies. Description de Buddleja 'silver anniversary'® Arbre aux papillons de taille moyenne (2 m 50 x 1 m 50) très original pour son feuillage semi-persistant gris argenté et duveteux et pour sa floraison estivale blanche en petites grappes. Buddleia) (/ ˈ b ʌ d l i ə /; also historically given as Buddlea) is a genus comprising over 140 species of flowering plants endemic to Asia, Africa, and the Americas. Apr 16, 2015 - © MG Photography Buddleja 'Silver Anniversary' Butterfly Bush Stock #MG00617 Location: Border, patio pots GT Dollars . Back in 1997, Peter chose his parents. Buddleja Silver Anniversary (PBR) RHS Plants for Pollinators plants This plant will provide nectar and pollen for bees and the many other types of pollinating insects. This Week's Flyer Deals View Flyer. Buddleja Silver Anniversary syn B. Buddleja 'Silver Anniversary' is a hardy, evergreen shrub with fragrant white flowers that are magnets for butterflies. Does your significant other seem to have everything? Buddleja loricata is a 4-metre bushy shrub with honey-scented flowers, later in the season than most Buddleja. Baby Products. Buddleja ‘Silver Anniversary’ is a rounded tidy shrub, which grows well in heat, loves the sun and shines in a garden setting. Planting and Care "I'm going to add another of the patio 'Buzz' series to my garden. (Buddleja loricata x crispa ‘Silver Anniversary’ ) SPECIAL QUALITIES A hardy large shrub with silver foliage and masses of perfumed flowers that attract birds and butterflies. A superb deciduous shrub for As a late flowering Buddleja it can’t be beaten. Watch out for Specific pests. SILVER ANNIVERSARY™ is an attractive buddleia hybrid bred by Peter Moore in 1994 as a cross between b.crispa and b.loricata. This miniature buddleja has already undergone a name change from 'Silver Anniversary' to 'Morning Mist', it's easy to see why both With a fragrance more honey than musk, it’s a preferred choice for scent too, and the bees and butterflies keep busy on the nectar-rich blooms. A plant that really stands out in the garden, it forms a stunning contrast with other plants in the flower border. Silvery-grey in All seasons . Buddleja Silver Anniversary registered name B. ‘Silver Anniversary’ prune in early May reduce 50-60% of growth. Buddleja 'Silver Anniversary' has a neat rounded shape and compact habit that won't become a nuisance in garden borders. Buddleja Plant - Silver Anniversary A real 'standout stunner', with beautiful felt-like silver-grey leaves which make this an amazing plant. Silver Spring Blooming Butterfly Bush (Buddleia) Click an image to see it above: ... Garden Care: Fertilize in the fall with Yum Yum Mix and good quality compost. Habit. Its big selling point is the superb, silvery woolly evergreen foliage. Kopinaté, jemně chlupaté listy mají netradiční stříbřitou barvu. Nursery in Hampshire, England, and patented in the United States in 2007. In the wild, it grows on dry river beds, slopes with boulders, exposed cliffs – you might say it’s quite a tough cookie! They tend to be perfect for first time gardeners and those that want a low maintenance landscape. It has few pests and diseases, and is an easy care garden plant. Kitchen. Toys and Games. Health and Beauty. Buddleja Silver Anniversary (morning Mist) available to order today At a Glance - Buddleja Silver Anniversary - Honey scented flowers late summer - stunning evergreen silver foliage - compact habit - easy to grow - excellent in container or border - hardy Buddleja is made up of over 100 species. Read More. The generic name bestowed by Linnaeus posthumously honoured the Reverend Adam Buddle (1662–1715), an English botanist and rector, at the suggestion of Dr. William Houstoun. Buddleja 'Silver Anniversary' from Burncoose Nurseries available online to buy - Information: compact, bushy semi-evergreen variety with silver-grey green leaves and dense white fragrant flowers. Body Lotions. Buddleja 'Silver Anniversary' from Burncoose Nurseries available online to buy - Information: compact, bushy semi-evergreen variety with silver-grey green leaves and dense white fragrant flowers. This plant is sold as 'Silver Anniversary' though the more correct name seems to be 'Morning Mist'. Plants are available in garden centres across Europe, or by mail order from Thompson & Morgan. The results were fun, and all looked quite different. It took many years and trials for Peter to convince growers to love the plant as much as he did. Beleef in ons park Deze en honderden andere planten zijn te zien in ons tuininspiratiepark. Established plants don't need to be fertilized (unless growth is stunted by extremely poor soils). Buddleja Davidii Silver Anniversary, also called Buddleja Silver Anniversary or Buddleja Morning Mist, is a relatively new butterfly bush hybrid which combines the well-known Buddleja characteristic of fragrant flowers with striking silver foliage. For Men. ブッドレアを庭木に選ぶかでお悩みのあなたへ。当記事では特徴(花・花言葉・種類・販売価格)と育て方(剪定・病気・害虫)について紹介します。とくにシルバーアニバーサリーが人気で、蝶が集まる木として有名です どうぞご覧下さい! One plant stood out to Peter though, a silver foliaged specimen. Electronics. Buddleja Silver Anniversary (morning Mist) Shrub For Sale Online. A new variety with Intensely silver foliage topped with scented white flowers that attract butterflies! Features. Flowers July-September. B. Other common names butterfly bush 'Morning Mist' . Thrives in well drained fertile soil in a sunny, sheltered site. Their flowers are displayed as spikes which make a beautiful spherical shape head with a range of different colours. Find more than 500 top-performing, multi-season plants in “Powerhouse Plants.” Cover Courtesy Timber Press. Flowers are formed in short panicles. The lustrous Buddleja ‘Silver Anniversary’ - Buddleja Collection, The lustrous Buddleja ‘Silver Anniversary’ | Bred by Peter Moore, Juniperus Blue Ivory: Get the Mediterranean garden feel, Order now in time for Christmas at the Mr Plant Geek Shop, Care for all your Christmas plants with this guide. Semi-evergreen - Keeps some of its foliage all year, and will drop some leaves as well. Flower. Upright. ... Buddleja davidii Silver Anniversary ('Morning Mist') - Concept Plants. Online Deals. Sun Care & Tanning. White/Cream. There’s one plant which does better than all the others when it comes to attracting wildlife. Buddleja 'Silver Anniversary' £9.99 Buddleja ‘Silver Anniversary’ is a late flowering, very silver showy rounded tidy shrub with woolly white foliage. Buddleja Buddleja Variety or Cultivar 'Morning Mist' _ 'Morning Mist' is a compact, upright, bushy, semi-evergreen shrub with arching branches, lance-shaped, pointed, woolly, silver-grey to silver-green leaves and, in late summer and early autumn, short, dense panicles of creamy-white flowers with yellow-brown eyes. Buddleja ‘Silver Anniversary’ was bred by Peter Moore, discover more of his creations here. As a late flowering Buddleja it can’t be beaten. Holiday Hot Buys. Hardy: Survives down to -15C! Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Once established, it is drought tolerant. 'Morning Mist' , kleine, compacte, bosssige vlinderstruik die opvalt door zijn mooie zilvergrijze bladeren en zijn ivoorwitte bloempluimen waarvan de individuele bloempjes een oranje hartje Read this article to learn how to care for a butterfly bush of your own. Buddleja Plant - Silver Anniversary® - 297169 - View All Perennial Plants - Perennial Plants - Gardening Anniversary flowers are always a great way to remind that special someone how much you care. var. See more ideas about butterfly bush, plants, shrubs. Wuchs Schmetterlingsflieder 'Silver Anniversary' ist ein aufrecht, locker, trichterförmig und kompakt wachsender Strauch. Buddleja 'Morning Mist' (selling name Silver Anniversary ) is a sterile hybrid cultivar raised in 1994 by Peter Moore, Chief Propagator at the Longstock Park Nursery in Hampshire, England, and patented in the United States in 2007. Handbags & Luggage. It is a deciduous shrub with striking silver… Ht.1.5mt.(5ft.). Find help and information on Buddleja 'Morning Mist' Butterfly bush Buddleia 'Silver Anniversary', including varieties and pruning advice. This was selected out and named ‘Silver Anniversary’ almost instantly. Buddleja Silver Anniversary is a very silver showy rounded tidy shrub that grows well in heat, loves the sun and absolutely shines in the garden. Main photographers Richard Loader and Peter Moore, Buddleja Silver Anniversary 8th August 2014 my garden Peter Moore, Buddleja Silver Anniversary in the border at Longstock summer 2007 Peter Moore, Buddleja Silver Anniversary 13th July 2014 in my garden, Buddleja Silver Anniversary 24th August 2012, Close up of the flower 28th Sept 2005 0 more photos VIEW GALLERY. Produces no pollen so no seeds 2005 Warren Gilchrist, Buddleja Silver Anniversary 3rd September 16.36 2015 Buddleja Silver Aniversary, often referred to as Morning Mist or Butterfly Bush is a semi-evergreen, compact, bushy shrub, with lance shaped, woolly, greyish-white foliage along the length of it’s gracefully arching branches. They have large, crepe textured leaves with pale undersides. Many new shrubs are British-bred, did you know? Feb 2, 2020 - Explore Joan Yarnell's board "buddleia", followed by 142 people on Pinterest. A stunning choice of plant gift for a silver wedding anniversary Flowers creamy white throughout summer, plants supplied in a 3ltr pot Ht 1.5M x 1.2M in 5 years. By Graham Rice | August 2013. Buddleja 'Silver Anniversary' - mit Fotos und Informationen über das Nehmen von Stecklingen,säen ,vermehren , wann düngen Um Ihnen besser und persönlicher zu helfen, verwenden wir Cookies und vergleichbare Techniken. SILVER ANNIVERSARY is an attractive buddleia hybrid bred by Peter Moore in 1994 as a cross between b.crispa and b.loricata. Its year-round visual interest and adaptability make it an excellent semi-evergreen plant for UK gardens. A butterfly magnet. It's virtually sterile too, so you'll never be plagued with unwanted seedlings. syn. Peter has been indulging himself in Buddleja for a few years, and that’s how ‘Silver Anniversary’ was born! It has striking felty grey foliage, and a dense growth habit. Size: 120cm (48”) high x 120cm (48″) in spread. Read on…, Flowering time: July to November - woolly, silver green/grey leaves.White - with mustard throat Buddleja 'Silver Anniversary' ('Morning Mist' ®) dient in het voorjaar gesnoeid te worden tot ongeveer 50 cm boven de grond. Light: Full sun Buddleja 'Silver Anniversary'. Compact size. Buddleja 'Silver Anniversary' has a neat rounded shape and compact habit that won't become a nuisance in garden borders. Weekly Flyer. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Butterfly bush 'Morning Mist' , Buddleia 'Morning Mist' , Buddleja 'Silver Anniversary' Genus. Planting Period. Butterfly and bee friendly; Fragrant flowers; Add to Basket. Effective in a patio container which should be overwintered in a frost free place. U proleće grm nisko orezati. They reflect hot sun, and keep themselves cool and hydrated thanks to their silver sheen. Es erreicht gewöhnlich eine Höhe von 1,5 - 2 m und wird ca. That plant is Buddleja. Plant Silver Anniversary in full sun in a fertile, well-drained soil. For Women. He created many varieties of Choisya which you’re bound to spot during your local park visit, and is fascinated by different colours of foliage. Let us share some anniversary gift ideas with you. ‘Morning Mist’ PBR is especially remarkable for its beautiful woolly white foliage, which makes it a lovely addition to a mixed or herbaceous border, creating a strong contrast in hot colour schemes with dark leaved dahlias for example or harmonising with blue, white, pink and soft purple perennials in pastel schemes. Baby. Buddleja SILVER ANNIVERSARY, Large 3lt (17cm) Pot £ 16.99 Outstanding semi-evergreen silver foliage with white flowers and yellow centres throughout summer, delicately scented. Clearance. Bedding. Peter Moore has been developing new strains of familiar shrubs for years, having learnt his skill on the famous Hillier Nurseries. A superb deciduous shrub for smaller gardens, patio containers and … Prune in spring to 10 cm above the soil. It’s worth mentioning that silver leaved plants are wholly easier to grow and manage. It took the commercial success of new dwarf Buddleja such as ‘Buzz’ and an increase in wildlife gardening to create a market for this super cool plant. Yellow in Summer. The whole plant has a silver sheen, elevating it to premium status amongst the Buddleja family. Foliage. Planting and Care "I'm going to add another of the patio 'Buzz' series to my garden. B. alternifolia ‘Longstock Gem’ prune after flowering in June to remove old flower shoots. Fragrance. Buddleja glomerata 'Silver Service' is: Evergreen. Soil: Dry, but well-drained Plant will come back every year. But, you may not recognise this Buddleja, and you might call it a wolf in sheep’s clothing! Flyers & Deals. A silver coloured Buddleja with white/cream flowers. There are few hybrids of Buddleja with this silver foliage too, so it absolutely stood out as new and different. Silver Anniversary Buddleja Silver Anniversary is a very silver showy rounded tidy shrub that grows well in heat, loves the sun and absolutely shines in the garden. Care: Very easy pruning, just trim as required, after flowering Once established, it is drought tolerant. Flowers appear in late May (all frosted in March 2016). Fragrances. Buddleja paniculata early flowering species, prune in April – May to reduce height if getting too large. A hybrid between B. loricata x B. crispa made by Peter Moore on 18th June 1997. A new variety with Intensely silver foliage topped with scented white flowers that attract butterflies! Fast UK Delivery and No Quibble Guarantee! Buddleja - Care Guide At a time when we are all striving to help and support the insects and wildlife in our gardens buddleias have a key role to play particularly in feeding butterflies. Find help & information on Buddleja Silver Anniversary (PBR) from the RHS Christmas shopping at the RHS Our Garden Centres and online shops are packed with unique and thoughtful gifts and decorations to make your Christmas Buddleja, Butterfly Bush, Summer Lilac, Orange Eye Butterfly Bush 'Silver Anniversary' Buddleja davidii. Family Scrophulariaceae . ‘Morning Mist’ PBR is especially remarkable for its beautiful woolly white foliage, which makes it a lovely addition to a mixed or herbaceous border, creating a strong contrast in hot colour schemes with dark leaved dahlias or harmonising with blue, white, pink and soft purple perennials in pastel schemes. And it sure packs a punch as a garden plant. View gallery. June to September. Silver Anniversary has a flowering time from July until September. This miniature buddleja has already undergone a name change from 'Silver Anniversary' to 'Morning Mist', it's easy to see why both names are very deserving. Grows 1.2-1.5m (4-5ft) high and wide. Compact, bushy, semi-evergreen with silver grey-green leaves. Bogato cveta celo leto. in my garden Peter Moore, Eventual height: 100-150cm (3-5ft) Spread: 100-150cm (3-5ft) prune in early May, Flowering: August - October 10-15cm (4-6") in length cylindrical panicles, Situation: Prefers a position in full sun, well drained and sheltered, Cultivar Silver Anniversary 'Morning Mist' EU17712, Colours and sizes are approximate and are intended as a guideline, cultivation notes should be followed, Propagation for resale is illegal without a licence from the agent. Mar 14, 2012 - © MG Photography Buddleja 'Silver Anniversary' Butterfly Bush Stock #MG00617 How to care. Peter paired this up with the downy-leaved Buddleja crispa, oft called the Himalayan Butterfly Bush. Heck, it even got itself the name of ‘Butterfly Bush’! Buddleja Silver Anniversary is a unique form of Buddleja bred by Peter Moore (www.bredbypetermoore.co.uk) with brilliant silver foliage which is semi evergreen in many conditions with the benefits of white honey scented flowers from late Summer till the hard frosts of winter. Deals of the Day. Butterfly Bush Varieties and Care Plant these butterfly bush varieties for beautiful spring or fall foliage in your garden. Back in 1997, Peter chose his parents. Peter has been indulging himself in Buddleja for a few years, and that’s how ‘Silver Anniversary’ was born! The flowers are clove-scented. Short clusters of fragrant, white flowers with yellowy eye. Plant of the Month is sponsored by Plantipp, a company based in The Netherlands who handle the introduction of new plants into Europe (with Concept Plants doing the same job in North America). Buddleja glomerata 'Silver Service' (Karoo sage 'Silver Service') will reach a height of 1.5m and a spread of 1.5m after 5-10 years. Enquire about this product Click here to find out more. It likes a position in full sun, and prefers well drained soils. Along our urban railway lines and on derelict sites buddleia have often self-sown themselves in profusion to … Buddleia are a wonderful garden shrub Dorůstá do výšky 1-1,5 m a vytváří rozložitý keř s obloukovitě převisajícími větvemi. Gusto postavljene cvetne cvasti privlače leptire, zovu ga još i leptir drvo. Silver Anniversary has a flowering time from July until September. Buddleja (orth. Harvesting/Flowering Period. This variety stays compact and becomes 150 cm tall and 50 cm wide. Buddleja davidii 'Silver Anniversary' - syn. Slip Covers. Buddleja 'Morning Mist' Click image to add to your plants list in Shoot and to get care reminders. Letnji jorgovan šarenolisni ljubičasti. This is most important during the first 3 years in the landscape. The later blooming (late summer to late autumn) is welcomed, and will pair alongside Asters and Anemones very nicely. The woolly white foliage mixes well in the herbaceous border, contrasting with either hot or pastel colour schemes! It has magenta pink flowers and it's a lovely compact plant - only gets to about one, one and a half metres high. However, this Buddleja was not set to be popular straight away. It is a cross between Buddleja crispa and Buddleja loricata, raised in 1994., raised in 1994. It’s drought tolerant, cold hardy and needs little pruning. Buddleja 'Silver Anniversary' Genus: Buddleja Species: -Variety: 'Silver Anniversary' Plant Type: Deciduous, Shrub. 2002 20th Anniversary Care Bear Champ bear with white H Shawinigan 04-novembre-20 8 inches Nice condition Tag & heart is few used, look the pictures I can ship … Blätter Hoher Blattschmuckwert. Synonyms Buddleja. With its long flowering period, Silver Anniversary contributes to biodiversity. 1 - 1,5 m breit. : Buddleia 'Morning Mist' Buddleia crispa x Buddleia loricata Buddleia 'Silver Anniversary' je opadavý keř řadící se do čeledi Scrophulariaceae – krtičníkovité. £14.99. Height & Width. 103834 What's New Online. Available now as a young plant. See more ideas about Buddleja davidii, Plants, Butterfly bush. Roses are a classic way to say "I Love You" on your anniversary, while a custom floral arrangement always makes a perfect surprise. With its long flowering period, Silver Anniversary contributes to biodiversity. A new, very compact variety that has really bright, ghostly silver foliage with downy stems, and lots of fragrant white flowers with yellow eyes, mid to late summer. Honey scented white flowers in late summer have a subtle appeal and are attractive to bees and butterflies. It’s drought tolerant, cold hardy and needs little pruning. This compact shrub has very silvery leaves and scented blooms.. It has magenta pink flowers and it's a lovely compact plant - only gets to about one, one and a half metres high. Buddlejia davidii 'Silver Anniversary' aka Morning Mist PBR. All details of our collection are held on the main Plant Heritage database including plant name, accession number, date of accession and plant source. Buddleja Buddleja. Buddleja (Buddleia) 'Silver Anniversary' is an absolute gem, and just what gardeners have been waiting for... A Butterfly Bush with a mound of silver-grey, downy leaves and white, frosted flowers with an orange throat. Buddleja, Butterfly bush, summer Lilac, Orange eye Butterfly bush Buddleia 'Silver Anniversary ' to 'Morning '... Planting and care `` I 'm going to add another of the patio 'Buzz ' series to my garden to. Sheen, elevating it to premium status amongst the Buddleja family clusters fragrant! 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